

The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go, as well as libraries for these languages.

Versions and Dependencies

  • 4.8.5

  • 5.2.0
    1. gmp/6.1.2

    2. mpc/1.1.0

    3. mpfr/3.1.6

  • 6.3.0
    1. gmp/6.1.2

    2. mpc/1.1.0

    3. mpfr/3.1.6

  • 7.3.0
    1. gmp/6.1.2

    2. mpc/1.1.0

    3. mpfr/3.1.6

  • 8.3.0
    1. gmp/6.1.2

    2. mpc/1.1.0

    3. mpfr/3.1.6


You can load the modules by:

module load gcc